Website Rank Checker to Boost Your Performance

Website promotion is the main task, a kind of fixed idea for SEO specialists, and what indicator do you think illustrates the success of a content maker? Of course, the unconditional first place on the main page of the Google search engine. While the team is systematically moving towards this goal, its participants will have a necessity to monitor progress or rank, and exactly this topic we will discuss today.

In this short review, you will learn a lot of valuable information because we will tell you about several ways to analyze your ranking data, present both free and paid SEO services, and reveal how a high rank contributes to the simplified receipt of backlinks and obtaining more traffic.

Rank Checker by Hand

Without exaggeration, even those SEO specialists who work in the industry for the second day will understand the essence of this method. The mechanism of this tool is too simple: in the main line of the Google search engine, you enter a keyword or phrase that forms the basis of your page and then look at search results. If your material is on the first page at the very top, then your rank is number one.

Tool advantages

This method has a number of advantages that may not be so obvious for some SEO masters:

  1. Rank Checker by hand belongs to the category of free SEO tools; that is, you can analyze your rank as much as you want without any fee.
  2. Using this technique, it is convenient for analysts to track the dynamics of their site’s rank; it is enough to enter keywords into Google several times a day or a week and monitor the position of the page in search results.
  3. A qualified SEO master always keeps the situation with competitors under control, and with the assistance of this tool, you have a chance to check the ranking of your pursuers.

As a whole, this is an intuitive way to control the position of websites in search engines. To master it, you do not need to study additional information, and in a flash, you will receive the most crucial info regarding your page in the Google rankings system.

Tool disadvantages

Nevertheless, the method we are considering has certain weaknesses that we cannot ignore when compiling a ranking report:

  1. This rank checker method is not completely reliable because when using it, you do not appeal with numbers, e.g., you do not have the exact values of Google ranking, only if you do not undertake to count it manually, search volume, etc.
  2. If suddenly your page appears not in the first position in the Google search engine, then you can spend several hours searching for your site among hundreds of others. The same thing happens when the position changes, and you simply lose your material among the constantly updated search results.
  3. In the case of other Google personalized methods, you can look through the data with unique characteristics and indicators; however, in the scenario of this tool, you will not get any extra information.

In sum, the first technique that we reviewed today gives a superficial understanding of your search engine rankings, and if you have a strong intention to obtain more accurate, comprehensive, and useful data, then let’s move on to the next tool ASAP.

Google Console Rank Checker

If we draw analogies with programming languages, then the previous way of analyzing Google rankings is the R programming language, and Google Console is already advanced Python. This free Google rank checker tool has four main advantages, namely, no need to pay for a subscription, ease of use, reliability since you get information directly from Google, as well as detailed data that SEO specialists can study using universal filters.

Keyword research

The most popular way to analyze the effectiveness of site ranks is to study the structure of keywords. In particular, the Google rank checker Console will show you by which given keyword users most often visit your page, which keywords contribute to moving up in search engine algorithms, and how the same keywords form the overall rating of your blog/site.

The practical use of keyword rank checker does not end there, and since the enumeration of all privileges will take more than one thousand words, we decided to pick the three most significant. So, keyword rankings permit you to get more data about your competitors, interactively use dashboards to study Google SERP indicators, and develop new strategies, as this tool has the function of recommending keywords that are in demand for a high rating.

Web page analysis

Moving from keywords microdata to macrodata, it is worth talking about the analysis of a separate page. All in the same Console rank checker tool, you have the opportunity to analyze a specific page in detail, and for this, you only need its URL. In return, you get data on the number of clicks through which users go to the page and its historical rankings data, which allows you to understand how the site’s position in the search engine ranking changed.

Group keyword performance

Up to this point, we have been talking mainly about one keyword. However, search terms very often consist of whole sentences, and therefore, the Google keyword rank checker tool provides a chance to explore information about your page through groups of words. The principle of operation does not change, as in the case with previous methods; by specifying a search term or a combination of several terms, you can study the average Google ranking position, the number of clicks from users, and relevance in the search engine.

It is noteworthy that this tool can also produce various data on desktop and mobile rankings because, as we know, for these two resources, the same keyword can have a different effect on search results.

SmallSEO ranking checker

Google keyword ranking checker is a great tool. However, it’s time to move away from the instrument that belongs to the platform of Larry Page and Sergey Brin and highlight third-party resources that are no less powerful and informative. In particular, we want to introduce you to the SmallSeo app.

Its unique advantage is that a second after determining a number of criteria, the SEO master will know the rank of your website, and here is the set of parameters itself:

  • The ability to analyze website ranking by ten target keywords at once.
  • The platform can show the rank for both your geolocation point and the position in search engines for specific cities and countries.
  • Visualization of results separately for the domain of mobile platforms and for computer systems.

The most crucial thing in working with SmallSeo is the selection of the right keywords, which will allow you to get a fairly detailed picture of the ranking of the websites you are interested in; however, the paid version of such apps opens up cosmic opportunities.

SEO ranking checker and subscription opportunities

We will not repeat ourselves and once again describe the standard set of advantages that each free tool has, so we have prepared a small meta description of three unique aspects that paid platforms have. First, the dynamics of keyword rankings. Every week, Google updates the list of words that account for the most traffic, and with the help of such apps, you can track which keywords have gained popularity and which have sunk. This will help you create high-quality content that will be in demand for search engines.

Secondly, paid SEO services display not just keyword ranking but the ranking of organic keywords from 1 to 100, that is, those words that help attract traffic. Finally, you can track rank not by the whole site but by certain fragments into which Google divides content, and this is the perfect tool to evaluate the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQ

In general, for what purpose do SEO specialists study site ranking indicators?

We highlight two basic reasons. Firstly, to track the efficacy of the chosen SEO strategy and to control the situation with competitors, especially if they have a better rank. Moreover, with just a URL link, you can monitor the topicality of your keywords and upgrade the content, which means the possibility of increasing domain authority and generating backlinks.

Is it possible to analyze keyword position in Google search engines using rank checkers?

Of course, to perform this, you will only need the URL of a specific source that you insert into the free Google Console tool, and without a tedious wait, it will give you all the necessary information, among which the most crucial one is the position of your keywords in the Google rankings system and search volume for a particular keyword.

Can you name the specific advantages of the Google Console Rank Checker tool in comparison to other instruments?

Firstly, this tool is completely free. Secondly, it does not show neutral results but adapts the analysis to your keywords, SERP features, and other characteristics, which permits you to get a detailed picture of the historical and current site ranking. Finally, by analogy with domain authority, this tool is as reliable and accurate as possible.

Knowing the current ranking in search engines, how can I achieve a boost of the available indicators?

This is an extremely relevant aspect because one of the goals of rankings analysis is the subsequent development of strategies to improve SEO indicators. In particular, to rank higher, we recommend saturating keywords with all elements, including headers and URL links, implementing a link-building campaign, and content optimization to meet Google’s requirements.

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